Friday, June 8, 2018

What is ZED Rating | Another benchmark for MSMEs and Banks in India

The government of India has just introduced ZED rating that is Zero Defect and Zero Effect to enforce manufacturing units to aim better quality,productivity, energy and pollution mitigation. When I say enforce, don't get panic as its not mandatory but you should login on to register yourself.
Objectives of ZED

1. Manufacturing with Zero defect processes with zero defect on environment.
2. To upgrade quality standards constantly
3. To support 'Make in India' 

Benefits of Zed Rating.
1. Streamlined operations and lower costs
2. Superior quality reduced rejection and higher revenues.
3. Increased environmental consciousness and social benefits.
4. Credible recognition of MSMEs for international investors seeking investment in India.
5. "Zed Mark" to enable MSME units to be seen as a company/firm with a difference.

QCI Quality Council of India will give you final certificate after reviewing the site assessment report.

All MSMEs which are registered can participate in this scheme. Registration can be done via the UAM of Minister of MSME The Scheme is applicable in all states /UTs of India.

Please note that Banks in India are formulating a policy to consider ZED rating for granting the loans so if you want to avail new finance or go for enhancement Banks my consider you to go under ZED rating which may become mandatory in future. Indian banks association, Mumbai has already communicated to the bank to start considering the ZED rating though not on compulsory levels. Soon the ZED rating will be rolling for MSMEs in the service sector, as presently it is applicable for manufacturing MSMEs only.